PRICES: are quoted in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise stated.
TAXES AND FEES: All air ticket prices are subject to various charges and taxes not shown, such as: Canadian Air Transportation Tax, departure tax and the Goods and Services
Tax (G.S.T.). The exact amounts may vary by destination and routing. Not all taxes are available for prepayment at time of booking. In addition, passengers are responsible for any increase, new taxes or mandatory fees that may be imposed prior to or at time of payment for air tickets.
PRICE CHANGES: Tourcan Vacations reserves the right to change prices in the event of any price increase beyond the control of Tourcan Vacations including, but not limited to, the fares were wrongfully quoted due to system error, the price of fuel and/or currency fluctuations or government taxes or levies.
FINAL PAYMENT: must be received by Tourcan Vacations before the option period expires in order to guarantee the price and reservation. We highly recommend that full payment be made well in advance to allow time for processing. A guarantee of payment by the purchaser is an acceptance of the travel arrangements as requested at the total price quoted. Cancellation charges will apply if the purchaser subsequently decides to cancel after ticket has been issued. Failure to comply with the above payment requirements will result in the automatic cancellation of your booking.
CREDIT CARD LIABILITY: Providing us with your client’s credit card binds you and the cardholder, to the terms and conditions of this contract whether or not your client has actually signed the credit card charge draft or not. In the event that a cardholder disputes or refuses to honor such charges, the travel agency will be held responsible for all outstanding charges and all travel arrangements may be subject to immediate cancellation either before departure or while passengers are en-route.
CHANGES: Most fares carry a change fee after tickets have been issued. These charges are levied by the airlines and that fee may vary depending on the type of fare being purchased. Tourcan Vacations on the other hand will only charge an administration service fee of C$50.00 plus HST above the charges levied by the airline. Change fees are fully non-refundable and non-insurable. Please be aware that not all fares permit changes after ticket issuance.
CANCELLATIONS: Most fares carry cancellation charges of one sort or another. These charges may vary from 10% to 100% of the ticketed value. All air tickets must be returned to Tourcan Vacations prior to the first departure date or date specified by the airline in order to qualify for any applicable refund. Please check with Tourcan Vacations for more details.
REFUNDS: for any unused air tickets or portions thereof cannot be guaranteed, nor can the price or value of any unused air ticket be exchanged. Please note that Tourcan Vacations will impose a $50.00 fee (per ticket) to process a refund, exchange, or reroute.
BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE: will vary by airline, destination as well as the type of ticket being purchased. We highly recommend that you source this information from the respective airline website or by calling the airline directly.
FLIGHT RECONFIRMATION: Tourcan Vacations strongly recommends that flight times and numbers be verified or reconfirmed at least 48 hours prior to your flight. Tourcan Vacations is not responsible for any change to airline schedules or flight numbers after tickets have been issued.
AIRLINE TICKETS: All airline tickets issued by Tourcan Vacations are non-transferable and valid only for the dates, routings, and sequence shown on the tickets.
AIRLINE, AIRPORT OR WEATHER DELAYS: Tourcan Vacations will not be held responsible for any additional expenses or loss that may arise from airline, airport or weather delays. Tourcan Vacations will not reimburse for any additional expenses incurred by the passengers (hotels, meals, etc.). Tourcan Vacations will not refund any unused portion of the air tickets purchased in the event of such delays due to conditions beyond our control.
TICKETS: Tickets will only be issued upon receipt of full payment or approved payment guarantee.
LIABILITY: Tourcan Vacations shall not be liable in any event for any injury, loss, claim, damage or any special, exemplary, punitive, incidental or consequential damages of any kind including but not limited to lost profits or lost savings, whether based in contract, tort or otherwise, which arises out of or is in any way connected with any use of this site or content found herein; or any failure, delay including but not limited to the use of or inability to use any component of this site for reservations request, information inquiries or any other content obtained through this site; or the performance or non-performance of Tourcan Vacations. Some provinces/states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental and consequential damages so, the above exclusion may not apply to you. If, notwithstanding the foregoing, FareLink Travel should be found liable for any loss or damage which arises out of or is in any way connected with any of the above described functions or uses of this site or its content, Tourcan Vacations liability shall in no event exceed, in the aggregate, the subscription fee and service charge for accessing this site with respect to which liability is found. In its sole discretion, in addition to any other rights or remedies available to Tourcan Vacations liability whatsoever, Tourcan Vacations at any time and without notice may terminate or restrict your access to any component of this site. The foregoing terms and conditions shall apply to both contract and negligence claims. Tourcan Vacations does not warrant the accuracy, merchantability, fitness or completeness for a particular purpose of any of the content or data found in this site. This contract, regardless of where it is performed, shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the place of departure from Canada. The provisions in this agreement are non-severable.